Service Times
Service starts at 9.30 a.m.
Please be seated by 9.25 a.m.
Services are livestreamed on our YouTube channel with a link posted on our Facebook page. (See link on services page or on the home page.)
A praise and Worship Service will be held on the first Sunday of the month between 5.00pm to 6.00pm.
The next “Praise and Worship Service” will be held on Sunday 1st of September.
Formal teaching of Sunday school is not presented at this time, however activity packs are available at the entry while alternative means of presenting the gospel to our young people is under review. An example of an alternative teaching outcome could be a digital version of postal Sunday school. Should a suitable alternative be found, then details shall be provided as soon as practical.
Tea or coffee will be served to you at the servery.
Light morning tea provided.
Should you prefer, tithes and offerings can be made through electronic transfer.
The Church banking details are:
Account name: Wattle Grove Baptist Church
Account number: 100017783
BSB number: 704922
Prayer meeting.
At the church at 10a.m. every Tuesday (unless otherwise specified).
Everyone is encouraged and you don't have to pray out loud if you aren't comfortable to do so.
There is also a prayer time before the Sunday service in the prayer room at 9 a.m. All welcome.
Watch here for next meeting
Watch here for our next gathering.
Please let Glennis know if you wish to attend. All are welcome.
Thanks to all who helped make the work light and had fun working together for God.
Sunday 8th of September.
This will be a soup lunch.
More details to follow.
Our Harvest Festival service will be held on Sunday 15th of September. Non-perishable goods can now be accepted at the Church.
A collection basket will be placed in the foyer for the receipt of non-perishable goods only.
Perishable goods will be accepted on both Saturday afternoon (14th), between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 PM, and prior to the Sunday morning worship service on the 15th of September.
We will be sponsoring three groups through the Harvest Festival donations. These groups being the Barnabas Fund, Morling College, and the Hillside Church community outreach program. Financial donations can be made, however please place such donations in an envelope and insert in the collection bag ensuring the envelope is clearly marked as a Harvest Festival donation.
Please feel free to also nominate one of the recipient groups.
To assist with your donation choice, Barnabas Aid prefer long-life (generally canned) foods, Morling College support for student needs such as tea and coffee, and Hillside community outreach program general food items.
All three organisation would also welcome financial support.
Our Missionary literature display is constantly being upgraded with new magazines and news on missionary activities around the world.
This display is situated on the east wall of the side hall.
You are encouraged to review this literature and gain insight into the many challenges facing a variety of organisations and individuals as they proclaim the gospel.
Check out the new prayer letters on the notice board. New ones added as they arrive.
Saturday 14th of September at the church, commencing at 8:00 AM. Cost $5.00.
All men and youths’ welcome.
Keep an eye out here for next event.
The next Ladies Bible study will be held on Wednesday 18th of September, commencing at 9:30 AM.
We will be continuing our studies on Forgiveness.
Youth group operates every Friday evening during school terms.
Youth group evening functions includes dinner, fun and support.
Our team are trained, and all have Working with Children’s cards and are church safe compliant.
There are two streams being run at two locations:
• Week 1 Social nights @ Bentley Baptist Church (59 Chapman Rd, Bentley) with all sorts of weird and crazy fun with different activities every week. 6.30 – 9.30 dinner and activities Included.
• Week 2 Discussion Groups @ Wattle Grove Baptist (20 Puddy Lane Wattle Grove) – a chance to learn more about God and how to be healthy and happy people. 6.30 - 8.00. Dinner and discussion included. This program alternates every week of the school term and students can attend any or all of the nights.
Cost $5.00 per child
Outings: Every term we also have a major outing planned (e.g. roller skating, bowling, beach night, Sportsfest, camps) so find out what is happening soon. Cost of these events vary but are often subsidised to make it affordable.
We would love to see you there.
To find out more check out:
Fletcher 0410 043 023
Adrian 0401 457 125
CHURCH ROSTERS. As will be appreciated, we heavily rely on volunteers to provide the variety of services and ongoing functions at the Church. Recently the requirements to perform the duties for some rosters have been simplified in order to make tasks safer and easier to perform.
Rosters that currently operate within the Church are:
• Service Leader
• Communion Leader
• Bible Reader
• Singer
• Music (Piano or organ playing)
• Door Greeting
• Car Park duties
• Collection
We are also looking for people to train for our sound and digital media systems.
If you would like to participate in any of the above rosters, please contact one of the Diaconate members. (Ron, Adrian, Jeanette, Glennis or David). Thank you for your consideration.
The building is wheelchair accessible.
We have Wheelchair accessible toilet facilities.
We are airconditioned and heated for year round comfort.
We are open to visitors.
We are a Churchsafe accredited church.
Copyright © 2024 Wattle Grove Baptist Church - All Rights Reserved.